Depth of Field Episode #1
Discovering Inspiration through Podcasting with Photographer & Creative Director Penny De Los Santos
Here’s what to expect from this episode:
In this episode, your host Penny De Los Santos provides a behind-the-scenes perspective on why she started Depth of Field Podcast.
Evolution of a photography career: Penny has 25 years of experience as a photographer and creative director. Learn more about the journey from photojournalist at National Geographic, to then focusing on food and culture, and now trying to figure out what is next.
The power of the human story: Penny has found inspiration by meeting interesting people around the world and capturing their culture and story in a split-second. She also notes how much she is inspired by hearing about people overcoming challenges and hopes that you will also be inspired by the stories of the podcast’s guests.
The pursuit of inspiration and creativity: Penny shares why she started Depth of Field Podcast. Listeners can join this journey as she interviews fascinatingcreatives who have overcome obstacles in their careers.
Depth of Field episodes will feature conversations with influential people in her life and career, with the goal of providing inspiration to others in the same situation.
Topics covered on this episode:
- Why Penny decided to start a podcast
- The evolution of Penny’s career as a photographer and creative director
- How Penny finds inspiration through travel, food, and culture
- The realities of starting a podcast and learning to interview people
- How you can join in this journey to search for inspiration and creativity
Connect with Penny:
- Watch the video of this episode and many more on YouTube
- Find more episodes and learn how to work with Penny at
- Keep up with Penny and the Depth of Field podcast on Instagram at @pennydelossantos.
Related Episodes:
- Episode 01: Navigating Your Dream Job through Confrontation with Filmmaker Hope Hall
- Episode 02: Finding Your Voice as a Storyteller with National Geographic Photo Editor Elizabeth Krist
- Episode 03: Focusing on the Work with Creative Director Tirso Gamboa
More about Depth of Field: A Creative Change in Perspective
Find inspiration and creativity with your host Penny De Los Santos. Listen to interviews with other visual storytellers, photographers, chefs, mentors, editors, and creative directors about those times in our creative lives when we feel a little lost and uninspired.
Penny is a photographer, director, and a visual storyteller, with over 20 years of experience in the photography industry.
Watch the video episodes of Depth of Field on YouTube. Keep up with Penny and the Depth of Field podcast at and on Instagram at @pennydelossantos.